Relapse Prevention - Increase Your Loved One's Chances of a Successful Recovery
Relapse Prevention is one of the most important parts of change!!! So many do the hard yards to achieve their goal - only to find the change does not stick!!
Relapse is a normal part of change - and Addicts normally do not see it coming until it is too late.
We know that 85% of people who complete Rehabilitation relapse within the first year of recovery, and that is only the one's who make it through rehab - everyone else who tries and relapses do not even rate mention.
This is where those who care are vitally important, on average, for every addict there are 9 family members or friends who are impacted - these people are 'Natural Supports' for the addict & can make a difference in the success of their recovery.
This 6 module course is packed full of new information you have probably not considered before. It smashes everything you have ever been told about your ability to help your loved one and it creates a sense of empowerment, knowing you are not responsible for your loved one's recovery but you have a role as a powerful support person.
Module 1. What is Self Care / Recovery & why do we need to know
Module 2. Stuck Points & Risk Factors
Module 3. Getting Back to Basics - what works for you, your loved one and the family
Module 4. The Self Care / Relapse Prevention Plan
Module 5. Making Everything Work
Module 6. Self Care & Recovery Essentials
Engaging in this course is life changing - even if your loved one is still in active use. Stop fearing relapse, stop blaming your loved one for not being able to maintain a life away from substances. Start building your confidence and their confidence by knowing relapse, building a realistic prevention plan together and then walking alongside each other - free of conflict.
Hope is not a great strategy for preventing relapse - nor is doing nothing to support maintaining change.