Alcohol, Drugs & Change - Influencing Positive Change
Online Course
Having completed your foundation course it is now time for the next step - influncing positive change for an addict. You have probably have noticed by now the work you have been doing in regard to breaking the Mirror Cycle and the roles you play is transferrable to other situations and relationships in your life. It is all incredibly useful especially when you want to keep your stress levels down.
The progression to the next stage of learning and evolution of self is much the same, the tools you gain here are tools that are transferrable to different relationships and scenarios in your life. We all know that telling people what to do rarely works, unless your intention is to create conflict.
Succesful relationships are based on the Acceptance of the Addicts Absolute Worth, Affirmation, Accurate Empathy, and their right to Autonomy, these things are key to being able to achieve what you want to achieve.
Leave behind all those old ways you used to try and get your loved one to change, and learn how to influence an addict in a positive way, it can be done but it does take practice and time - remember you can only do the best you can do and when you are learning something you have never done before it will be a few steps forward and maybe two or three back.
The relationship dynamic is the one thing that dictates success in change, both for you and for others. This course will support you to learn different approaches to connect with the addict and to support the addict having a choice in life. It builds on your autonomy and your right to determine what is right for you, no longer making decisions based on emotional reactiveness, you are filling that space with positive intentional proactive exploreing.
If you want to get good at this you will need to practice - we at Help for You - Rosemary brown are here to coach you through this learning and to support you to grow beyond any limitations that may come up for you.
Buy today and you will recieve a bonus offer of free access to the Online Training Course Toolbox of Helpful Resources, this is normally only available to my higher level course participants.